Oct 2020
Hi out there we must know as much as possible concerning the foods we eat. Do not just eat and say it is good, learn as much as you can before you sit to enjoy smile. You hear, now more than ever, words that connect to foods you never heard before.
Students coming out of schools and must show their learned things. Surely acceptable by me, all this to me is learning. As they have been taught we must grab and learn from it maybe to even a taller wall of education. Millions of seniors are still around all over the world and capable to still comprehend, do so then.
You hear the word CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES all the time, who are members of this family? Well friends I will tell you. Cabbage, arugula, bok choy, broccoli, kale, collards, mustard greens, watercress, radishes, rutabaga, and turnip greens are great fighters against colon and rectal cancer, how many of you knew this??
They are the main fats in foods, big friends to cholesterol in which you have heard
This name often. Both are risk for heart disease. Triglycerides levels are inversely related to cholesterol levels. Next Doctors visit tell him I would like to know more about the above fats, simple request.
Knowing and able to choose foods with good nutrients. If you know as much as possible concerning any food, you will pick the best. If you have health conditions related to what you eat, this major for to eat the best nutrient foods you are allowed. Many of us have restrictions so always follow them such as SODIUM, FLUIDS, CERTAIN FRUITS and VEGGIES even DAIRY FOODS, SUGARS and more the idea is this is not rare millions are going through this, just follow the correct road given and all can be good.
What happens when a train go off the track or car off the road a CRASH.
Eat breakfast each AM do not skip meals if possible unless directed by Medical team for a test.
Eat a variety of foods, veggies, fruits, breads, meats, natural juices, and dairy parts.
Shop well and you will eat well.