Nov 2011
Hi out everyone that took part in the quiz on what about us web page will have to e-mail me for the answers this way I have an idea who is keeping up with web site, yeah! Quite tricky. If the responses are not good, I will later give the answers on the site. I will continue to offer the questions. This edition is for the cardiovascular crowd.
Do you know your right and wrongs as well as the diabetic group? We will see.
Is sodium and salt the same?
Is there a difference in (no added salt) and ((no salt)?
Should you use salt substitutes without your doctor's advice?
Are unsalted seasonings the same as a salt substitute?
Can a sodium restricted person drink as many sodas they want?
Is it alright to add salt while cooking but not after cooking?
Is being fluid restricted a part of a cardiovascular regimen for some?
Does sodium cause extra fluid accumulation in the body?
E-mail me for the answers. Follow the regimen given to you by your heath leaders and you will be ok.
I received a few new e-mails from new senor friends, what a great way to make new friends from Pittsburgh Pa and Atlanta Ga.
Florence and Ralph are having a ball being seniors in their silver years. This couple ilea
Lives in Pittsburg and have been there al of their lives. They have health related problems that calls for good meal planning with the correct foods, they stay on the go what shall they do. Florence and Ralph look, you have to sit down and make a chart when you will be away from home in solid good meal plans. You can eat the same way if you where home the only thing I have no desire for is, when you eat out often and have health issues you are taking chances with your health. Number one, how is it being prepare, what foods are being used such as salty butter or unsalted butter or margarine, has salt or sugar been added. Friends there are a lot of "I don't knows" when dining out added
My advice just try making the charts and keep up on what you are being served. Health comes first. Keep enjoying life.
Barren and Barbara Ann. This couple is home bodies and enjoying their golden senior years. Barren worked as a chef for over 50 years, and Barbara always taken care of her children and others. Barbara says Barren cuts across her in everything she cooks, and most of the time he wants condiments added that he shouldn't have, and overloads on starchy foods and meats, and he is the one with diabetes one type, I have high blood pressure and gout. Sometimes when working in a certain environment for a period of time will make you this way Barbara, but by right if your experience was great you have a right to feel in authority.
Since you was a chef you had some time dealing with making recipes for different types of diets (I guess) I know every facility isn't the same in job descriptions. Put your thinking cap on along with your doctor's orders and cook for the cause and not the desire, smile. You say you are having a problem getting the gout side of your diet together, Look at my pages on gout the way I do it on this web site it might can help print out a page and let your doctor advice you Barbara, and also look at the meal planners there is one just for you.
Keep picking up HHS books they will show you how to eat healthy, and why it is so important that you do.
How did the diabetics make out with the quiz?
Email me and give me your answers. Don't be shy your name is not the subject, but your answers are. Listen friends this is a senior on senior web site we are in this together. My health struggles probably would make some of yours out there look like a snow flake beside a snow man (smile). The purpose for our seniorhood is to have a zone of our own, where speaking about feelings is welcomed, and to add more strength in what we know and stand for. Remember it doesn't matter how many generations you are around daily, you will always be a member of the seniorhood as far as any other generations are concern, because we are the oldest generation for now, everyone that lives has their turn to belong to our club
Fell free and special about yourselves and wantt to connect with another and another about being a senior. We have to grow in every way for ourselves, be independent of our selves. Remember because you are ill, shut-in, or like my self in a wheel chair your voices still need to be heard by any one that will listen if we don't talk there isn't any thing for anyone to listen to, come on friends lets make ourselves strong in every way. There are elderly all over the world that are in their 90's and guess what they are blessed to be still alert and they are not sitting back with close mouths. My auntie is one year from ninety, and she has it all together. If the mind is still good there isn't anything we can not do, and we must believe this. Learn the computer, get on there and explode your goals.
This web page is for anyone to tell how they feel. Share, be a part of some else.
Stay well.
Feel free to send questions and comments Make subject-HHS