Let's get ready to enjoy one of the reds for Christmas, cranberries. We loose this fruit every year after the holidays; it is a waste of health. If you want a bucket of compounds that say healthy this is the fruit. Out of the drinks and foods including cranberries the dried ones are the best for antioxidants. The soldiers that help protect us from the free radicals that enter our bodes on a daily bases. We must take the invasion of the free radicals and how we can help protect our selves much more serious. Nature has given us antioxidants, but much more is needed daily. If you want to discuss this very important need on the food side please contact me.
When purchasing these berries make sure they are smooth, and free from black spots and mold. Don't wash before storing this fruit can cause spoiling. If you are not familiar with flavonoids they are plant pigments, this is where the yellows and reds in veggies and fruit come from. The bright red color cranberries offer they are filled with flavonoids. There are large amounts of abilities that are offered from this compound. There are two powerful flavonoids in this berry (quercetin and myricetin).
There are certain health conditions that do not allow cranberries please check it out.
Enjoy a holiday salad.
Cranberry/and Friends Salad- Serves 1
On chilled salad plate add 2 slices cranberry sauce, 2 slices fresh oranges, shaved almonds and raisins.
Tasty colorful and easy fixings.
The following is a quick dessert for the grandchildren.
Cranberries on stick-Serves 4
1 cup fresh cranberries
4 scoops frozen vanilla ice cream or yogurt
Green Christmas candy
Wooden ice poop sticks
Wash cranberries add sweetener, place in blender or processor for a quick chop. Let sit over night covered in a cold area. Before assembling stir and drain.. Roll ice cream into cranberries, be sure dip of frozen dessert is covered with cranberries, add candy (push it into dessert) candy is optional. Use a colorful small chocolate candy "just a few on each dessert"
Stick a pop stick in place, put desserts on a small tray covered with wax paper in to the freezer until dessert is hard. A tent style cover wouldn't hurt also.
Let me offer a great suggestion- Use the handle of a plastic spoon, to hold dessert, instead of wooden stick, if they find a dish is needed, they will have their spoon ready. (Make sure it is a sturdy style spoon).
There are great researched comments concerning health in what this berry offers. This is something for your medical staff, be sure to inquire.
There is a red salad in the "recipe meal planning" book great for a holiday. Be sure to check the stuffing offered offered, different but tasty.
Keep your holiday season Healthy, and Happy. Make HHS books a gift for someone.