Hello out there, what about us?? How has your summer been? What all did you do?? This question would be great to receive an answer to. Here at our senior hood is the place to stop with new and exciting information concerning seniors. I had a co-senior tell me that she feels bad because she didn’t eat s much fresh veggies and fruits she should have, my response was I am guilty also. Friends when we can admit to our errors, it is a great step in getting it all right.
Hope many took the time out this summer to treat your self special in many ways. I have said often we gave all we had to our family early in our lives, some still are it is time to see about us. I have had some what of a pause in what I am trying to do, hen your responses are not what you intended in order in reaching your gold. Autumn is about to bust out all over, and this is a beautiful time of the year and my favorite, this time of year can make a depressed person jump alive (smile). Every move we make has too be a good move, most of us time grows short each day toward moving ahead.
Thank god each day for being a senior that has lived well and still at the age I am want to share with others the information I feel is good. What we must always remember money and wealth is good as long as we are able to have it, but you will none when going thru our last trips. What I say is not to put a damper on anyone’s life, but to express only how I feel about mine. Pick up a few of my books, sit back and not only enjoy butt educate your selves in healthy eating.
Is It True or False
Oats help to control cholesterol T F
Green bell pepper are high in vitamin A T F
Lowering your fats and sodium can lower
The risk of heart diseases T F
ADA stand for America Directs Americans T F
Cholesterol is fat T F
Green beans are the highest vegetable in T F
A good pick of a mango should be dry T F
Lycopene found in dairy foods T F
Prunes have good soluble fiber T F
Peanuts are beans T F
Store dry herbs in a damp place T F
Oxalates and Kidney Stones are associated T F
Look over these true and false questions they can enlighten you in information that can only help you. Eating healthy takes more than being told. The more information you can get on how to stay and get healthy will benefit you.