Hi seniors,
I hope all is well out there and every ones winter hasn’t been too bad.
Whatever we went through this far in the new year things have a way of getting better.
Have you done anything new and exciting for yourself this new year ? If you haven’t, then get started. If you are able to travel see some of your own sate and city, and venture out to enjoy others.
Keep up with family and dear friends, with out them life isn’t very happy. I am blessed with three great aunties they keep my life alive in every way.
When did you go to the casino last, oh yes we have millions of us all over the world that enjoy a good day or weekend at the casino. I am glad Philly has build a few. Friends if you don’t go or uninterested in gambling don’t shun, or pout those of us that do. We here for a sort while some shorter than others and we have the given right to fill our life the way one chooses. Please give the respect that you want to others.
Are your hobbies you enjoy coming along? Hopefully you are still enjoying them to the utmost. I have just finished my fourth book and hope you will pick a copy up when the time comes. Give my other books on this web site a look at you will enjoy each one I promise. Who doesn’t need a cook book like Recipes and Meal Planning, that can give you easy preparations. Affordable foods, with unneeded CALORIES, SALT, SUGARS, and FATS and awesome book for health at a awesome price.. The Seniorhood book tells you why eating healthy is necessary and offers information concerning things you need to know about SUGARS, FATS, AND CHOLESTEROLS. Pick up a beginners book for a friend Healthy, Happy, Senior it is small but the inside information is huge.
Keep taking care of #1. you
I decided I well give you'll the answers to the questions concerning what do you know about you. Friends you have to not only read and discuss what you are reading
Communicating with the writer is the key, to continue to open new and exciting information just for the seniorhood. This web site is about more than selling books. There is so much needed information not being given, so that we can have a clearer and more comfortable acceptance in our staying healthy. Giving words and numbers is a way of talking, but I have found I to be know help in understanding. The more clearer, and better understanding, in what is being told I need it broken down to it's lowest form in order for me to connect in a strong and comprehensive way I am quite sure there are many that feel the same way. Help make this web site a strong one for us.
Stop! Stoop! Looking at everything with $$$$ signs, there are still people around that give from within asking no $$$ rewards I guess it is hard to believe this, at the times we live in. I am a senior just like you that has worked the best years of my life, and what I experience and saw, and learned. Sharing costs nothing; but the feeling of completeness and warmth nothing can be a substitute.
Here are the answers to the questions given a while ago (Nov2011)
Diabetic answers for October
Yes, no, yes, no, no. yes, yes, yes.
Cardiovascular answers in November
No, yes, no, no, no, no, yes, yes.
I am going to hold back the High Blood pressure answers For a while (smile).