May 2018

Hi, today I feel fats, cholesterol, and other connections in this area of health needs more understanding and alertness for not only the elderly but most. If you have HEART DISEASES ,or not certain information will be a PLUS for YOU.

SATURATED FATS / CHOLESTEROL partners in crime.  Saturated fats are one of top factors in raising blood cholesterol. You have a big chance in joining the group for CORONARY heart disease.

The top ways to receive SATURATED fats and CHOLESTEROL is through ANIMAL FOODS, POULTRY, DAIRY FOODS, some not many plant foods have saturated fat coconut oils for one.

TRANS fats come alive when UNSATURATED FATS undergo a step called HYDROGENATIO a little can be found in foods naturally. Example is TUB STLE margarine it is unsaturated in liquid and soft stages the more hydrogenation the harder becomes saturated. Foods that contain TRANS FATS are, commercial baked goods, crackers, cookies and fried foods.

CHOLESTEROL is a book by itself. What is it? It is waxy some what like fat found in the blood and tissue of the body.  The body makes the most cholesterol we need the rest comes from certain foods like saturated fats. There are 2 kinds, SERUM cholesterol found in the blood, the other is DIETARY Chol.

Fat and Chol are different although discussed as being the same. The damages come up the same. In foods it is not BAD or GOOD what is said s good is (HDL) bad (LDL) refers to the Chol found in the blood.

(CHOL.) stands for cholesterol.

The above will be continued there is much to share in these serious KILLERS.
(catch me on twitter soon.

Be back with you SOON. STAY BLESSED