
Hello out there!!! another summer disappearing if you follow the month, not the weather report smile/ Hope your summer was great mine wasn’t, but that is ok. God is good and I am able to continue to share with you. I am still pain-free from gout and trying hard to get my book out there before 2016. This book I feel will help a lot of us with this painful condition. I am sharing what struggles I have had with gout and still open to more if I don’t stay in the same zone for being pain-free. Pick up a copy there is 2 books volume one tells you my stories and a little of different steps the other volume 2 shares with you how I eat from the time I started helping my self up tell now. Every word is written is non-fiction and full of emotion and thankfulness that I was able to help me. In reading, this book will give me much support and a chance that what steps I took may help you. With your medical team ok.

I am going into my 4th-year pain-free from gout believe I am thankful a million times God is good.

Pick up a book soon GOUT DOESN’T LIVE HERE ANYMORE for now. The book stores have it on the shelves and online http://bitly.ws/9JoJ